Many, if not all of us, have electronic security systems installed in our homes. It's important to note that Sarasota County Ordinance #97-115 pertains exclusively to properties situated in unincorporated Sarasota County. This ordinance mandates that the Sheriff's Office must be furnished with the names and addresses of two (2) designated key holders who reside separately from the alarm system's location within households.
In case of a break-in or property damage when homeowners are away, these designated contacts would be notified and requested to respond within thirty (30) minutes to secure the premises. This measure was implemented by County Commissioners to address the high number of false alarms that impose a burden on law enforcement resources.
To comply with this requirement, you must complete a registration form and submit it to the Department's Crime Prevention/Alarms Section. Once registered, you will receive a decal bearing a reference number for your residence. This decal should be prominently placed near your front door, ensuring visibility to Sheriff's Deputies. For further information or assistance, please contact the Sheriff's Crime Prevention/Alarms section at 941-861-4084.